The Election Was Rigged, The Data Seems To Say

Democrats want everyone to believe Joe Biden trounced President Trump in an astounding fashion, and they just want you to accept it and go on with your normal lives, pandemic and all, but do not even for one second question the thieves laughing in your faces as they giddily plan their takeover of you and your government. Not. So. Fast.

The Washington Post’s Lawrence Downes: Feed Conservative Books To The Worms

The Washingington Post’s ultra liberal, conservative despising writer says he buys conservative books on sale and dumps them into his compost pile at home to prevent them from being read by those looking for bargains at library sales. Liberals are livid that material that promotes views other than their own would possibly be available for readers to draw their own conclusions, and make up their own minds on subjects that Downes prefers to instruct them what to read, know, understand and believe. Liberals such as he feel you need nothing but to be told what to think and believe, by your betters, and be happy for the service.

New York Slides Into Chaos Under Democrat Control

New York slides into chaos under Democrat control, as once safe neighborhoods teem with the mentally ill, the addicted, and sex offenders, since being dumped there by Democrats who fill luxury hotels with many they have just simply let out of jails. Some of these hotels, at a combined cost to the city up nearly 2 million dollars per night, are mere blocks from school playgrounds.

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