SPLC Still Being Used By Amazon

SPLC still being used by Amazon. The Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization of highly questionable, divisive motives and actions in recent years, and definitely not objective, is still being used by Amazon in determining who may participate in some of it’s charitable programs. When will Jeff Bezos take the time to reassess his use of an organization that is this far from neutral?

Everything Is Racist Now, Even Math

Brooklyn College Professor Laurie Rubel, has a problem with math these days. It seems that math was primarily created by white men, and, as such, is obviously flawed and needs to be re-considered in light of today’s more “woke” educators. Maybe Black students aren’t ready to accept the concept of math as created by old white men who do not look like them. Math was probably created as a way to divide people by color and force them into psychological ghettos. To teach math as simply objective and neutral, is a disservice to students today. Why, we don’t even know if math identifies as neutral. We don’t know if 2+2 really does equal 4. How do we know that numbers might actually want to be more sensitive, open minded, and culturally aware?
How much are you paying to send your kids to college? Asking for a friend.

Cyber Harassers Face The Music

Exposing the identity of law enforcement officers for the purpose of harassment is illegal, and perpetrators are being found and charged. Protesting and free speech is one thing, but encouraging and helping facilitate cyber harassment and possible physical attack is a differnt thing altogether.

Biden Refuses To Be Interviewed By Chris Wallace, Stays In Basement, Just As Trump Predicted

Joe Biden has refused to sit with Fox host Chris Wallace for an interview like the one Wallace had with President Trump last week, preferring to continue to campaign from his basement. Biden declined through his staff saying  he would not be “available.” In his interview with Wallace week, Trump predicted Biden would not do a similar interview due to Biden’s cognitive issues many say are becoming more and more evident..

Dr. Mike Adams, Outspoken Free Speech Advocate, 55, Found Dead After Years Long Acrimonious Battle With Ultra Radical UNCW Liberals

Dr Mike Adams, tenured conservative free speech advocate, and relentless thorn-in-the-side of radical liberals at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, has been found dead in his home. An investigation is underway. Dr. Adams never backed down, and infuriated campus liberals for not allowing himself nor his writing to be “cancelled”, when it came to the ultra liberal ideology and movements prevalent at the school. The hatred was obvious towards Adams, so, after a more than half a million dollar settlement from the University over his contentious presence at the school, many see the death of an otherwise, seemingly healthy 55 year old, vibrant man, as obviously suspicious, and await the results of preliminary findings with acute interest.

Gun Purchases Surge As Liberals Demand Defunding Of Law Enforcement Protections

Firearm sales have been brisk as FBI background checks have eclipsed 2019 by nearly 136%. In June, the checks numbered the highest since records have been kept, over 20 years. The obvious reason is that without the local law enforcement to protect them, as liberals demand “a new, reimagined type of civil order”, citizens must turn to their rights affirmed in The Constitution, to bear arms and be ready to defend and protect themselves.

Patients Are Being Coded With Covid19, Even Before Testing, Says Witness

An anonymous caller to The Rush Limbaugh show, who said she is a medical coder for several different hospitals in the country, says she has seen the codes changed from a patient merely having been exposed to someone with Covid19, to a patient who has Covid19. This, she agreed when asked, is due to higher billing opportunities for the hospitals. She mentioned several states where she said this was happening, including “California, Arizona, Oklahoma, New York. It’s everywhere.”

And The $878,000.00 Goes To: The Representative’s Husband! Ilhan Omar’s That Is!

Having a small consulting firm. Check.

Having a wife in Congress. Check.

Getting big fat checks from the Congresswoman’s account paid to your firm is a boost to the household budget you would think.

Doesn’t take long from swearing in to getting the map to the trough. Then you wedge your snout in there, and the living is easy.

Hope no nosy investigation spoils the fun.

Taxpayers hope the spoils and the fun newlyweds have their day of reckoning.

Black Children Dying Of Gunfire In Record Numbers Being Called “The Black Lives Matter Effect”

It seems like a wave has taken so many young children in the cities from the streets upon which they play, to their everlasting homes, due to the gunplay, gangs and seemingly a complete absence of value placed on human lives, no matter how innocent and young. The growing movement and activities throughout the urban landscape of protesting that turns to violence, then breaking glass store fronts, to looting, and then, when the stores are cleaned out, to glass bottles of gasoline being lit and tossed, and another city block is destroyed. All during, stray and sometimes pointed gunfire rings out and whizzes through groups, and yards and curtains, and young babies and kids are hit…and die. They are starting to call it “The Black Lives Matter Effect”, with the lethal irony hanging in the air like so much of the disipating whiff of gunpowder. Is there a voice that can calm the streets? Be the Elder? Counsel the factions? Is this a ripple, or a swell, a wave, or a slowly moving, growing, ominous wave of substance that will change by drowning  the landscape? Or will it roll through and bring with it an urgency, seasoned with clarity, that will be a clarion to call people to change for the better. Better understanding, cooler heads, and will the eyes of the suffering Mom’s and Dad’s when glanced at for those agonizing moments, silently plead with all who will look back at them…”please stop. please, stop”…be understood, and heeded?

Not The Right Kind Of Feminist, She Believes Women Are Women

It is hard to be a professor today in Canada, or, anywhere where liberalism’s bizarro fantasies have taken hold, which unfortunately is almost everywhere. Wherever two or more of you are gathered in the name of confused gender dysphoria, professors of the classically educated sort, must tread spritely amongst the landmines of the approved vernacular of the day. And you might not want to discuss biology, physiology, or any of the other sciences that until a couple years ago, have been widely accepted for, oh, four or five thousand years, at least.

Typically Used As A Non-Debatable Epithet, Is “White Privilege” Comparable To The “N” Word?

Race dividers are always looking for an insult to hurl that they hope will be as intentionally hurtful to whites, as the “N” word is to blacks. One that is beyond debate, beyond defending, and beyond question. One that cannot be wiped off, one to which the only response is to kneel, grovel, apologize, and declare unending, never redeemable guilt. It appears they think that in “White Privilege”, they have found their lethal zinger. Have they?

Totalitarian BLM Demands Zero Opposition, Or There Will Be Prices To Pay

After writing about Black Lives Matter’s history and tactics in his “Legal Insurrection” website, William A. Jacobson is feeling pressure to conform to the liberal line at Cornell, where he has worked for 12 years. They expect him to think, say, and write the way they do, or, for his own job security, simply be quiet. And at this point, even that might not be enough to satisfy the monolithic beast of liberalism.

You Will Support BLM, Or You Will Be Punished

You will agree, support, march for, show outward allegiance to, and enthusiastically cheer on Black Lives Matter, or you will be punished. Fired, shunned, attacked, ridiculed, physically injured, and generally outcast as the scum of the country. There is only the “either / or”, with no room for your own nuanced position. You will be told exactly how to think and act on the matter, or you will shut up and hide.

AG Barr Teases Durham Report

Attorney General William Barr teased that U>S> Attorney John Durham’s investigation is progressing aggressively and has not been slowed much by the pandemic shutdown. He didn’t say much else except that what he has seen causes him to be “very troubled.”

The Gibson Bakery Attackers Will Not Accept The Court’s Verdicts

Liberal Oberlin College, incensed that they lost an obviously losing case against Gibson’s Bakery, is betting that in the long run they will be able to squash the small family business because it dared to call Oberlin students out on blatant shoplifting. Oberlin has demanded the case be overturned, because the shoplifting students were black, so it had to be racism.

Do 85 Shootings And 24 Deaths Matter In Chicago?

If it is Chicago, you will have shooting victims and dead bodies. It never stops. Chicago seems to be immune to the carnage. It’s just another week of wounded, injured, maimed, the dead and their mourning families. All while Mayor Lori Lightfoot sits in her office and decides which church to send SWAT teams to, so that no one dare violate her worship ban dictates.

Chicago Mayor Sends Police To Shut Down Black Church Services In Show Of Power

In order to let worshipers know who is in charge in Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot sent police to shut down Sunday services at The Chicago Cornerstone Baptist Church. The pastor had locked the doors, as is the usual precaution, but officers nonetheless pounded on the doors and shouted to be let in. “All we are seeking is the same consideration and trust that is being tendered toward the liquor stores, abortion clinics, and Walmart,” said the pastor, Courtney Lewis.

Shameless Democrats Scramble To Protect The $80 Million In PPP Funds Planned Parenthood Took, And In Turn The $45 Million Shameless Planned Parenthood Plans to Hand Right Back To Democrats

Democrats are scrambling to protect the $80 million dollars that Planned Parenthood took from the PPP program meant to help small businesses. It is no surprise since Planned Parenthood had promised shameless Democrats they would turn right around and donate $45 million straight back to Democrats in the 2020 election cycle. $45 million is a lot for Democrats to let slide through their fingers, no matter how slimy, sleazy, and flat out wrong…but they are doing it anyway. Of course they are. Right out in front of everyone.

Chinese Money Is Flooding Our Colleges And Universities. Why?

Six billion dollars. Six billion dollars in donations from China to United States colleges and universities. Six billion dollars from China to United States colleges and universities that were never reported. The Department of Education reported in a letter to Congress that it has learned of at least six billion dollars of unreported donations from China to American institutions of higher learning. What could China be up to? What could possibly go wrong? What could China want our students to learn that they have to pay six billion dollars to get these schools to teach them, and why wouldn’t our schools be transparent enough to report these activities? We are soon to find out…as long as our investigators are as wily as the Chinese.

Democrats Sneak Election Changes Under The Radar While The Country Focuses On Health Dangers

While the country focuses on health and safety and COVID-19, Democrat politicians have different things on their minds. Namely, how to find election advantages in the voting system, and how to make changes that will benefit themselves, and not their opponents. Since they fear facing opponents in fair contests at the ballot box, they see possibilities in changing to a mail-in system, where the chain-of-possession of ballots is not as easily observed, checked, controlled, and assured. When there are lapses in security, some see opportunity. Why else would they be so hell bent on opening up the course of voter-to-ballot-to-box and making sure that certain folks have access to ballots when there are no prying eyes around?
Every time a vote is changed, or stolen, or placed by an ineligible voter, someone else’s legal vote is nullified.

Senate Committees Expanding Obamagate Probes

The Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Finance Committees of the Senate are expanding their probes into the “Obamagate” scandal, to see how far back, and how deeply pervasive the scheme went. Based on media reports and developing intelligence on the matter, Senators want to see how much illegal spying was done on unknowing citizens.

$80 Million Dollars In Emergency Federal Funds, Intended For Small Businesses, Go To Planned Parenthood Abortions

Planned Parenthood employs way more than 500 hundred employees. So why would they apply for Small Business Administration loans meant for small businesses with less than 500 hundred employees? Pure unadulterated arrogance, and the idea that they were too protected by their Democrat politicians to get called on it. Period.
Why would Democrat politicians not push back? Because out of the roughly $500 million dollars of taxpayer money Planned Parenthood gets each year, and $80 million from the SBA, in the 2020 election cycle, they plan to turn right around and donate 45 million back to their Democrat protectors.
Does this sound like classic money laundering? Maybe because that is exactly what it is.
Democrats know this.
Republicans know this.
They hope that not many of you know this, because you not knowing allows them to run this country as they see fit, not as you would want it to be run. Period.

Barnes & Noble’s Idea To Rewrite Classics As Multi-Culti Fantasy Scrapped At The Last Minute

The proposed “diversity version” book cover for The Wizard Of Oz features Dorothy as a black girl in red Air Jordans instead of ruby slippers? Really? Romeo and Juliette were brown skinned kids just wanting to love each other? Captain Ahab was a Black whaler intent on revenge against the Great White Whale? Give me a break. These were the proposed covers for the classic books that Penquin publishers and Barns & Noble had planned to release for Black History Month. Thankfully, someone with a brain pumped the brakes on this lamebrain idea, and, for now, whatever color history is celebrated, it will remain authentic, and not made up to suit someone’s fragile sensibility worried that history didn’t happen to support their preferred narrative.

Senator Graham Wants To Get To The Bottom Of How The Impeachment Fiasco Got Started

A lot of people want to put the impeachment fiasco behind them and move on. Most of those would be Democrats who are still sore from the painful gambit that was destined to fail, even when it was just a thrill up Schiff and Nadler’s legs. To her credit, Pelosi tried to hold them off until they at least had something to impeach Trump for, but it seems Nadler and Schiff, their entire rabid liberal base, and 97 % of the news media figured they could just make something up as the went along, and they were very wrong. It was their desire to negate the 2016 election from the moment Trump was declared the winner. It was just a matter of finding a reason. They thought they had one, Pelosi said to go for it, and they were all wrong. Bigly.

Senators Get Down To The Business Of Looking Into Hunter Biden

Senators Grassley and Johnson have sent a request to the Secret Service to provide the records they have detailing Hunter Biden’s foreign travel during the time his father, Joe Biden, was Vice President. Specific areas of interest are the younger Biden’s China and Ukraine travels. Seems as if someone is finally beginning to unravel all of the tangled dealings he had with those countries, for a start, to see if there is a nefarious reason a young man with no experience was paid ridiculous amounts of money, for doing basically nothing, by companies and countries where Vice President had overseen billions of taxpayer dollars of aid to those countries. Interesting developments ahead likely.

Orange County, California Has Released 2100 Criminal Illegal Aliens, Despite ICE Requests To Hold

Sanctuary policies in Orange County California have caused the release of at least 2100 criminal illegal aliens in the last two years, since California SB54 has been in force. despite them having detainer requests from ICE. They have been released back into the community with no provisions made to track or keep track of their whereabouts. Over 400 of them have gone on to commit serious additional crimes such as rape, domestic assault, and child sex offenses. California SB54 prevents local law enforcement from cooperating with Federal Immigration and Law Enforcement, or ICE.

Illegal Is Still Illegal After 16 Years And Four DUIs

Emanuel Mendoza-Morales had been in America illegally from Mexico for almost 17 years when ICE finally caught up with him. After his fourth DUI arrest in Santa Ana, California, ICE had requested he be held so his deportation order could be executed, but the request was denied. ICE found him and today he will be on a bus back to Mexico, where he should have been for the last 16 years.

Turley Says Pelosi Should Resign Over SOTU Behavior

Law Professor Jonathan Turley thinks Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi should resign over her “…sophomoric facial grimaces and head shaking”, and especially for her undignified planned spectacle of tearing up her signed, official copy of the State Of The Union Speech immediately after the speech, and while the cameras were still trained on her, The President, and the Vice President.

Impeachment, For Democrats, Was A Disaster

The Democrats knew that impeachment was never going to happen. They had no charges, and they had no evidence. It was done to pay back their confederates in the media who had pushed the “stick-with-us-we-are-going-to-GET TRUMP!” mantra for three years, and to pay back their loyal base who had been promised the same by the Dems since November 2016. Nothing worked. They looked like fools. And the media and their base were asking, “What the fresh Hell is going on here” when it quickly became obvious that the “case” was under cooked, short on ingredients, delivered cold, and was dropped on the floor and scraped back into a dish and served with a sheepish but unending monotone of baffling droning drivel, which at one point was described as “hours and hours of dog barking.” And that was being generous. It was truly a pathetic spectacle that no one expected to amount to anything, and ended as expected, save for Mitt Romney, who can’t stand the fact that Trump is where he should be, and he can’t get over it, much like the Democrats, trying to make some kind of spiritual point, and falling flat on his face.

Brennan Gets Snide, Rand Paul Lets Him Have It

John Brennan didn’t like Sen. Rand Paul saying the “whistleblower’s” name on the Senate floor, and lashed out. Rand Paul was having none of it and let Brennan know with both barrels, reloaded, and gave him a couple more in listing reasons that Mr. Brennan might rather be worried about his own shortcomings. I bet he wasn’t expecting that. This new phase of post-impeachment activities, both to uncover the stink of the Deep State, and the defenses and obfuscations it inevitably will be throwing up, is going to get quite interesting to say the least.

Consumer Spending Strong

Consumer spending is still strong even though the forces who would benefit from economic doubts are trying hard to dampen its enthusiasm.
The anti-Trump liberal Democrats, the Deep State, and the media are all vested in making the Trump economy look like it is petering out, but it apparently is not.

Judicial Watch Sues California For Meddling In Private Corporations’ Right To Choose Their Own Board Members

The State of California is being sued by Judicial Watch for it’s recent attempt to dictate to private corporations who may be on their boards of directors. In signing the new law, Governor Jerry Brown wondered about its constitutionality, which clearly appears on its face to not be, yet he signed it anyway. The intrusion by politicians into the operation of private industry is alarming in its audacity and the presumption of their entitlement to meddle in the businesses created by private citizens. This seems to be a blatant attempt to try to control entities they have no business controlling, but trying anyway, just to see if might possibly “stick” if the abused businesses failed to push back on this outrageous power grab.

“I know You Are, But What Am I?”

The Left calls out everyone they disagree with as racist. Since they all say it, they feel it must be true, therefore it must be said. Over, and over, and over, and over again and again and again. We live in a day where anything is truth if it is repeated loudly and often enough. When so many shout it loud, is it true, even if there is nothing to prove it is? Many think truth can be ginned up out of mere chants. But it cannot.

Joseph Mifsud Is A Man No One Seems To Want To Discuss

Joseph Mifsud seems to be at the center of how the Mueller investigation all got started, but no one is talking about him when questioned. Mueller’s answer was that he would not talk of him. Curious that no one involved in the investigation wants to discuss how this guy talked to someone, who talked to someone else, who talked to the FBI, and then the investigation began…but something makes them all clam up when asked about him. Cue the spooky music.

Former Baltimore Democrat Mayor Catherine Pugh Smelled The Rats

Former Baltimore Mayor, Democrat Catherine Pugh was filmed touring the run down areas of Baltimore and saying she could “smell the rats, and smell the dead animals.” Her solution for the devastated area was “What the hell? We should just take all this shit down.” Of course when Trump made similar comments, the liberal political world went ballistic and could not contain their selective outrage. The apparent new rule is that no one can comment on black politicians and their jurisdictions, except liberals and blacks.

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