Attorney General William Barr was interviewed about the Mueller report, and about Robert Mueller’s confusing comments about his report, which he said spoke for itself, before he commenced speaking about it. Barr’s comments were not the least bit confusing, apparently because he is not the least bit confused.
Author: Curator
Can Robert Mueller Do Anything Right?
After so many failures in his career, is there anything Robert Mueller can do to prove he deserves the undo praise he receives for simply showing up and looking stern?
Mueller Obfuscates To Elucidate, Fails Completely
Mueller might have thought his parting statement today was going to clear things up by telling both sides what they wanted to hear. He thought he was too clever by half and that he would dazzle everyone by having them walk away saying, “Oh, so what he meant was that all sides are correct in their own way!” Nonsense. It is clear he had no idea how to please everyone, and that he even tried, showed his incompetence in justifying his 22 months and 35 million dollars without delivering an intelligible final report. What a complete failure.
Know Why We Memorialize Our Fallen Defenders
As the flags wave and the grills fire up, lets remember exactly why we have always memorialized our country’s fallen defenders.
Memorial Day Reverence At Arlington Cemetery
A sudden severe downpour did not prevent Tyler McKee from performing his duties as a Tomb Sentinel of The Old Guard Sunday, a day ahead of Memorial Day.
Chick-Fil-A Too American For Liberals?
Being “unabashedly pro-American” has put Chick-Fil-A in the cross hairs for seemingly anti-American liberals. Religion, patriotism, and basic mainstream values are not acceptable for liberals, and those who display those sentiments are apparently ripe for being silenced, in their view.
Professor Creates Fake Trump Quote, Media Runs With It
Ian Bremmer is a professor at NYU who made up a quote he attributed to President Trump, and sent it out on Twitter. Immediately, thousands of his followers, politicians, and media spread the tweet. It was not true.
HuffPost, SPLC, And The Guardian Reported Links To Antifa?
An analyst focusing on online extremism has performed an exhaustive study that links journalists with Antifa groups, and has mapped the connections between them.
Has Famous Chef Found The Perfect Home Steak Machine?
A perfect sear is one of a steak lover’s top requirements, and to get that at home has been elusive, maybe until now, says one celebrity chef. John Tesar, of Knife, in Dallas, thinks he may have found the way today’s home chef can re-create the restaurant steak experience by using a German made grill called The Otto Grill.
DNA Shows 30% Of Immigrant “Families” Unrelated
U.S. border policies are being gamed by unrelated groups of illegal immigrants posing as families, according to a new pilot DNA program.
Strictest Pro-Life Bill Signed Into Law
When the Republican governor of Alabama Kay Ivey signed the newly passed pro-life, anti-abortion legislation, the new law became the strictest in the nation to protect the unborn.
Will John Durham’s Investigation Result In Anyone Being Punished?
Having been at work for almost two months already, many are asking if this new “investigation of the investigators” will result in anyone being punished for their crimes in Washington, or will “The Swamp” arrange for them, as usual in DC, to skate off into the sunset with nary a secret bank account or lobbying gig or CNN commentator job be ruffled out of place?
Strzok Knew Dossier Was “Demonstrably False Intelligence”
As the investigative focus turns from the disproven charges of “Trump/ Russia collusion”, the upper echelon of the DOJ and FBI are beginning to really sweat since it appears many of them were involved in a scheme to discredit the new elected president Trump with the intention of negating his victory.
Iranian Revolutionary Guard Commander Says U.S. Ships In Persian Gulf Are “Targets”
An Iranian Commander of The Iranian Revolutonary Guards says that U.S. ship, aircraft, and personnel in the Persian Gulf that were once a serious threat, are now targets.
109,144 Illegals Apprehended In April
A constant flow of illegals entered our country in April because Democrats refuse to help secure the Mexican border, because they think these illegals will eventually vote for them.
“President Trump Is Right” New York Times
There is an illegal immigration crisis on the southern border, says the New York Times, finally admitting to knowing what every sentient being has known for a decade.
Declassifying Of Deep State “Coup” Documents Coming?
President Trump has a trove of documents pertaining to the so-called “Deep State Coup d’etat”. He has shown amazing restraint in holding them close to his vest, many say to avoid the accusations of obstructing the Mueller Investigation, which has recently concluded. So, when will we know how damaging they are to the Swamp creatures?
Cory Booker: Don’t Give Up Assault Weapons, Go To Jail
Presidential hopeful Cory Booker would enforce his proposed assault weapon buy-back plan with “criminal sanctions”, meaning those who refuse to participate in the program by selling their rifles to the government, could go to jail. Photographer Interview
Photojournalist Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi is interviewed in, for a glimpse into the backstory of what is behind the images you see in publications today, and of one of the individuals who create them.
The Truth About The Polar Bears
If you want the truth about something, go to the experts who specialize in the topic. When it comes to polar bears, Susan Crockford is the verified, go-to expert.
Hundreds Of Thousands Homeless And 33 Reported Dead In India Cyclone
124 mph winds and pelting rain pounded India as Cyclone Fani made landfall in the town of Puri on Friday. Officials said millions were spared as a result of advance warning and evacuations of residents seeking the safety of storm shelters.
President Trump Not Happy With Twitter Bans
James Woods, a regular conservative Tweeter, being banned from the platform caused President Trump to respond by Tweeting: “Social Media & Fake News Media, together with their partner, the Democrat Party, have no idea the problems they are causing for themselves,” he wrote. “VERY UNFAIR!”
Ilhan Omar Bemoans Israel Responding To Terrorist’s Rockets From Palestine
After hundreds of Hamas and Islamic Jihadist rockets targeted civilians in Israel, Rep. Ilhan Omar decried the damage caused by Israel’s response.
The Constitution-Vs-Islam
The promotion of Islam and Sharia in the West is the top responsibility of Muslims living here. Sharia is to become the dominant arbiter of societal behavior according to their beliefs, and there is no compromising or half measures…it shall be done, no two ways about it. Assimilation is not even a consideration. The primary impediment for this process in America, is our Constitution.
Mexican Raid On Migrant Group Stops Formation Of New Ones
Caravan organizers in Honduras could hardly assemble a few hundred migrants when normally thousands would turn up to begin a new march. Chatter on social media warning that the Mexican government has started cracking down and arresting large groups within Mexico’s borders, seems to have had an immediate effect on numbers willing to push forward to America.
Barr Will Investigate The Swamp
Attorney General William Barr, in a Senate hearing today, indicated that he has his eye on several targets to investigate related to Hillary Clinton email irregularities and to the two year Mueller investigation beginnings.
Judge Approves Homeless Shelter On “Billionaires’ Row”
New York State Supreme Court Justice Alexander Tisch, ruled that plans for The Park Savoy, at 158 W. 58th St, to be adapted as a homeless shelter in Manhattan, may proceed, against the strong opposition of residents of what is locally known as “Billionaires’ Row.”
I.C.E. Says “Fake” Families Swarming Border To Exploit U.S. Law
Coyotes, traffickers, smugglers, etc are swarming the border posing as “families” to exploit vagaries of the U.S. Immigration law, overwhelming border control agencies.
White House Working To Designate Muslim Brotherhood As Terrorist Organization
The effort to designate The Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization will lead to economic and travel sanction against the Islamist activist group in Egypt.
Venezuelan Military Possibly Involved In Maduro Ouster Attempt
Some factions of the Venezuelan military may be involved in an active attempt to oust Maduro and install the elected President Guaido. Sources say Maduro was ready to leave the country for Cuba, until he was persuaded by Russia to remain.
Sainte-Chapelle Amazes
It is hard to imagine a more awe inspiring visual spectacle than the gorgeous windows of Sainte-Chapelle in Paris. Many, with obvious reason, consider it to be the most beautiful room on Earth.
Saudi Arabia Hiring More Executioners To Meet Public Beheading Demands
Beheadings and amputation punishments are being meted out so frequently in 2019 that Saudi Arabia has actually advertised for eight new executioners. No experience necessary.
America Is Tired Of The PC Culture Where Everything Offends
A new poll shows that Americans of every stripe are tired of the PC culture where everything offends someone, and those offended expect society to adjust to eliminate the tiniest of infractions.
Gillette Sales Slump After #Me Too Ad Campaign
When Procter and Gamble decided to attack the “toxic masculinity” targeted by the #Me Too movement, they were essentially attacking their core market demographic. It hasn’t worked out so well in the sales department.
Biden Voted To Restore Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Citizenship
Confederate General Robert E. Lee died in 1870 before his citizenship could be restored. In 1975, then Senator Biden voted to pass a bill restoring Lee’s citizenship posthumously. In launching his bid for President last week, Joe Biden hypocritically denounced President Donald Trump for saying that some of the people in Charlottesville protesting the removal of Lee’s statue were “fine people.”
Kim Foxx Subpoenaed, Smollett Given “Notice To Appear” In Court Action
A Chicago attorney pressing to have a Special Prosecutor appointed in the Jussie Smollett case has subpoenaed Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, and Judge Sheila O’Brien has filed a “notice to appear” in an effort to get Jussie Smollett to be in attendance as well.
Sen. Richard Lugar Has Died
Former Republican Senator Richard Lugar has died at 87.
Ocasio-Cortez Blames Trump For Doing His Job
According to Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, by enforcing United States Immigration laws currently on the books, President Trump is violating “human rights.” Apparently she believes that residents of all other countries have some “human right” to illegally enter the United States without going through all of the “completely unjust” legal processes for immigrants to be vetted and then be admitted.
Adam Schiff Finally Beginning To Get That It Is Over?
A sadness has come over Adam Schiff. His arousal is reluctantly subsiding now that President Trump has been found by Special Counsel Robert Mueller not to have “colluded with the Russians”, as Schiff has screamed from the rooftops for two years, nonstop. The prospects of an impeachment, led by Schiff, is slowly fading into the rear view mirror as the nation turns to real issues facing them and the country, while he clenches his fists, red faced, and seems to say “But wait!, But wait! There has to be more! Here! Or there! Or Somewhere!”
It must be hard to let go of the prospects that a fantasy will come true, when everyone else knows it will not.
Do You Really Want Facial Recognition Devices In Your Home?
It seems that some people are happy to put the newest and next things into their home in the quest for the ultimate convenience. What cost to your privacy is apparently way down the list of concerns and considerations for those on the latest-and-greatest quest…but should it be more carefully assessed?
“Neo-Nazis Fine People”? Didn’t Happen
The Left has a tactic they often use against their enemies. They intentionally misunderstand, or mis-hear, or simply make up a quote by someone, then attack their victim for being horrible to have said it, when they never said it in the first place. But with multiple media outlets from TV to print and all over the internet, as is commonly known, a lie repeated often enough becomes accepted as truth eventually. A perfect case-in-point were Trump’s comments on the tragedy in Charlottesville. Of course the left promoted the false narrative. It is what they do.
A quote illustrating this is “A lie gets halfway around the world in the morning, before the truth gets its pants on.”
$6.5 Million To Get Into College?
Parents usually care about giving their kids the best opportunity they can to insure their future prospects, and a good education is at the top of the list in those regards. But shelling out $6.5 million dollars just to get them into a college?
How To Regulate The Tech Giants
Having had pretty much free reign as they blazed the new tech frontiers, giant tech companies have been basically writing their own rules. Now that they are showing overt signs of abusing the public’s trust, especially in privacy issues, how do governments worldwide begin to pull them back into the lanes in which the public expects them to stay? Good question.
Why Is Zuckerberg Asking To Be Regulated?
Mark Zuckerberg is not asking to have the government regulate Facebook because he wants Facebook to be restrained, so why is he? Obviously he penned his Op-Ed in The Washington Post at the end of March with some Facebook advantage in mind, he has never acted in any other way. So why does he think more stringent government regulations would benefit Facebook?
“Coup” Plotters’ Time Is Coming
Now that The Mueller Report has been released and analyzed and the consensus is that it is a virtual vindication of what Trump has been saying from the beginning, that he never colluded nor obstructed at all. But now the focus is being redirected upon those who apparently could not abide his election in 2016 in the first place. How were the FISA spying warrants presented to the FISA Judge? Was the underlying evidence a sham? Who knew and who aided and abetted in the attempt to de-ligitimize Trump’s election? These are questions that point to illegal activities by those in the highest offices in our land. There is now, no glimmer that Trump plans to let it all slide, and many members of “the Deep State” and “The Swamp” are rightly experiencing knots in their stomachs, sleepless nights, and days spent lining up the best legal representation they can find and afford.
Joe diGenova: “Criminal Indictments Are Coming For Obama/Clinton Associates”
The tables are about to be turned on Clinton and Obama associates as Joe diGenova says criminal indictments are coming for players in the Deep State, and The Swamp’s reaction to Trump’s victory in 2016.
Illegal Immigrant Who Murdered Child Has Been Deported FIVE TIMES!
A Memphis child murder was committed by an illegal immigrant who had previously been deported five times, making it apparent that lax border policies pushed by liberals significantly confound law enforcement attempts to keep illegal criminals out of our country.
Trump Economy Growth Beats Expectations At 3.2%
First Quarter data is in and the U.S. economy growth rate of 3.2% has beaten analysts more conservative estimates of 2.3%, and sees a consistent trend for the economy’s steady continued growth.
Where Are You? Google Knows
Google knows everywhere you go, and stores that information in a personal collection to build a dossier on you that helps them anticipate where you might be at any given time, where you shop, work out, dine, and everything else you do, even visiting that secret lover you would rather no one know about.
When Did Mueller Know?
There are some who speculate that Special Counsel Robert Mueller knew there was no collusion back in August of 2017, and certainly into early 2018. So, could his failure to disclose this information have affected the mid-term elections in November? Many are questioning this very possibility.
Judge Charged With Obstruction And Conspiracy For Aiding Illegal Alien
A Massachusetts Judge has been charged with conspiracy and obstruction of justice for conspiring with a defense attorney to secretly allow an illegal alien defendant to slip out of the back door of the courthouse and to prevent ICE officials from arresting the deportable illegal immigrant career criminal.
Trump Tracking Poll At 50% Today
Trump Daily Presidential tracking Poll is at 50%.
New Book Sheds Details On John Belushi’s Death
A new book by Shawn Levy provides a detailed timeline of the night John Belushi died of a drug overdose in a bungalow at the Chateau Marmont Hotel in Los Angeles.
Three Years Late, Liberals Think Trump Might Be Right About A Wall
Liberal NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman thinks he has come up with a solution to the illegal immigration problem on the southern border. Except, that most sentient beings anf President Trump have been saying it for at least three years, if not more…BUILD A WALL!
William Barr Is Being Demonized By Progressives
By enacting a prime example of “shooting the messenger”, liberals and Democrats are doing their best to demonize Attorney General William Barr over their disappointment in the outcome of the Mueller Investigation, which completely failed to find an appropriate amount of dirt on Trump for their purposes.
Campus Snowflakes Get Pushback, Finally
Students who expect their feelings and whether or not every little thing offends them to control their college environment experience are beginning to get a bit of pushback from a few administrators with backbone.
Cannabis Vaporization Leader PAX Raises $420 Million In Venture Capital
On a mission to “…establish cannabis as a force for good” PAX Labs has raised $420 million in VC cash to set itself up as a $1.7 valued company in the vaporization segment of the burgeoning cannabis industry.
Vegetables That Type 2 Diabetics Should Try
If you have Type 2 diabetes and are looking for ways to spice up your meals, try these low glycemic vegetables for a change.
Taqiyya Means Muslims Can Lie To Conquer You
If it comes down to telling the truth or lying to infidels, under the tenet of Taqiyya in Islam, Muslims are allowed, and even obliged to lie to further the goals of jihad.
If non-Muslim journalists lie to conceal, or obfuscate Islamic jihad, upon what theory can they rest their actions?
Who knows, but they are doing it worldwide every time a terrorist event occurs. They certainly seem to continue to live in Bizarro World in the this regard.
Schiff Doesn’t Want To Know Things That Don’t Fit
If it doesn’t fit, you must ignore it, seems to be the motto of California Democrat Adam Schiff when confronted with the widely accepted facts that The Steele Dossier, financed by Hillary and the DNC, was a huge piece of fiction. He seems strangely unmotivated to see that evidence, since it does not advance his narrative that Trump is a Russian agent. You really can’t make this stuff up.
Why Is “Christianity” Kryptonite To Obama And Hillary
What is it about Obama and Hillary and the rest of the liberals who can’t seem to get the word “Christianity” past their lips? It is as bad as when Obama could not bear to speak the words “Islamic Terrorism.”
Islamic Terrorism Is Not Going Anywhere
As long as large factions of the civilized world insist that Islam is not at all connected to Islamic terrorist activities, there will continue to be Islamic terrorist activities.
Alexa Hears You
Why would anyone intentionally place a microphone in their home allowing strangers to listen in on everything that is said, sung, hummed, listened to, or played? Sounds crazy right? I guess you probably will agree that there are a lot of people for whom crazy is just normal behavior. If you don’t fall into that category, here are a few ideas to consider.
Notre Dame Fake News Began Even Before The Fire Was Out
An “electrical short circuit” started the Notre Dame fire say news outlets. Ok, how do they know that? The fact is, they don’t. It appears that they are saying this just so you won’t go all rogue and start wondering what other possibilities there could be. They absolutely do not want you to go there, and possibly impugn the sensibilities of some liberal “protected class” like, oh, I don’t know, terrorists?
Tech Companies Want Control Of What You Are Allowed To Know
Tech giants want to get together and form a control center where they decide what information you are allowed to know, and what you may not know. They will take all the events in the world, decide which ones you should know about, and which ones they think you cannot handle knowing about, and erase the latter from existence…all for your own good, of course.
The Full Mueller Report
Read the full Mueller Report here.
Mueller Report Released With Legally Required Redactions
Attorney General William Barr acting for The Department of Justice released The Mueller Report Thursday morning with a minimum amount of legally required redactions.
The Notre Dame Fire: Symbolic Of The State of Christianity?
Is the Notre Dame fire a symbol of the state of Christianity in the world today? Are Secular Leftism and Islamism a double edged sword that seeks to minimize the influence of Christianity in today’s world? Many definitely seem to think so.
Notre Dame Can Be Rebuilt, We Have The Technology
Recent laser scans of Notre Dame Cathedral will no doubt be invaluable in recreating in meticulous detail, the iconic Gothic interior architecture.